Tasty & fresh

Fenu Greek Gum (Triqonella Foenum) TRIGONELLA FOENUM –GRAECUM

Common Name : Methi / Fenugreek
Plant Parts use : Seeds Leaves, entire plant (S.S. Code 330190 Index)

Content of natural fiber in fenugreek seed :

Dietary fibers are indigestible complex carbohydrate obtained from plants, but essential ingredient in a healthy diet some are soluble to from gel and others from insoluble roughage. While most fruits ands vegetables have insoluble fibers, legumes (Guar, fenugreek, beans) have soluble fiber. Fenugreek is endospermic; Nearly 50% dry weight of seeds as well as SDF is edible dietary fiber, making it the height concentration among all natural sources of fiber. About 30% of SDF (W/W) is gel – forming soluble fibers similar to guar gum, psyllium husk and but bran. The insoluble fiber (20% of SDF) is bulk-forming like wheat bran.

Composition of natural sources of vegetable :

SourceTotal fiberSoluble FiberInsoluble FiberProtein FiberFat

Description :
Trigonella foenum- graecum has long stalked leaves up to 5cm long stipules triansaler, laccolite, leaflets about 2.5cms long, obviate to obanceolate. Flowers 1-2 axillary, sessile, race med, whitish or lemon yellow pod 5.7 cons long with a persistent leak, hairy with 10-20 seeds.

ProductFenugreek Gum
Soluble Fiber28%
Insoluble Fiber24%
